Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Music Magic

Let the music happen. 
Let the magic begin.
Let the story play out. 
Let the music speak for the struggling, lonely, sick, hungry, homeless and heartbroken.
Let the music sing of love.
Let us tell the story of RENT. The time has come. Let the story begin.

In the story of RENT, we watch the characters experience real life problems. No cute school performance. No proud parents sitting in the audience. No applause. Instead, we see turmoil, despair, hopelessness. It's honest, it's real, it's sometimes not so pretty. Not so clean. Not so lovely. Yet underneath all of this, we see hope, joy, goodness and most of all, love. 

Through the melodies, through the rhythms, through the dynamics, through tempos, we hear the true emotions of the human element. We hear the sadness of dealing with their present problems, fear of their unknown future and the pure joy they experience when love comes through. We see the ugly truth of poverty and homelessness....desperately seeking love and acceptance.

As the music rehearsals begin, let us all take this journey together. As my friend said, immerse yourself in the music. Listen to it when you drive, work and play. Discover the rhythm of your soul. Sing for joy, weep in sorrow. 

"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent" Victor Hugo

There's only us. No other way. No day but today!

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